
React 位运算

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React 位运算



位运算符中的左右操作数转换为有符号 32 位整型二进制串(0 和 1 组成), 且返回结果也是有符号 32 位整型。

  • 所以当操作数是浮点型时,首先会被转换成整型, 再进行位运算。对非 Number 类型使用位运算操作符时,会发生隐式转换。
  • 当操作数过大, 超过了 Int32 范围, 超过的部分会被截取,取低位 32bit


  • 按位与(a & b):在 a、b 的位表示中,每一个对应的位都为 1 则返回 1,否则返回 0
  • 按位或(a | b):在 a、b 的位表示中,每一个对应的位,只要有一个为 1 则返回 1,否则返回 0
  • 按位异或(a ^ b):在 a、b 的位表示中,每一个对应的位,两个不相同则返回 1,相同则返回 0
  • 按位非(~a):反转被操作数的位
  • 左移(a << b):将 a 的二进制串向左移动 b 位,右边移入 0
  • 算术右移(a >> b):把 a 的二进制表示向右移动 b 位,丢弃被移出的所有位。(注:算术右移左边空出的位是根据最高位是 0 和 1 来进行填充的)
  • 无符号右移 (左边空出位用 0 填充)(a >>> b):把 a 的二进制表示向右移动 b 位,丢弃被移出的所有位,并把左边空出的位都填充为 0



通过位移的方式, 定义一些枚举常量。

const A = 1 << 0 // 0b0000000000000000000000000000001 = 1
const B = 1 << 1 // 0b0000000000000000000000000000010 = 2
const C = 1 << 2 // 0b0000000000000000000000000000100 = 4


通过位移定义的一组枚举常量, 可以利用位掩码的特性, 快速操作这些枚举产量(增加、删除、比较)。

  • 属性增加 | ,如:ABC = A | B | C
  • 属性删除 & ~ ,如:AB = ABC & ~C
  • 属性比较
    • AB 当中包含 B : AB & B === B
    • AB 当中不包含 C : AB & C === 0
    • A 和 B 相等 : A === B
const A = 1 << 0 // 0b0000000000000000000000000000001
const B = 1 << 1 // 0b0000000000000000000000000000010
const C = 1 << 2 // 0b0000000000000000000000000000100

// 增加属性
const ABC = A | B | C // 0b0000000000000000000000000000111
// 删除属性
const AB = ABC & ~C // 0b0000000000000000000000000000011

// 属性比较
// 1. AB当中包含 B
console.log((AB & B) === B) // true
// 2. AB当中不包含 C
console.log((AB & C) === 0) // true
// 3. A 和 B 相等
console.log(A === B) // false

React 的使用场景

优先级管理 Lanes

在 React 中,多个更新优先级的任务存在的时候,高优先级的任务会优先执行,等到执行完高优先级的任务,在回过头来执行低优先级的任务。

Lane 模型使用 31 位二进制来表示优先级车道共 31 条, 位数越小(1 的位置越靠右)表示优先级越高。

Lane 模型优先级
export type Lanes = number
export type Lane = number
export type LaneMap<T> = Array<T>

// Lane 使用 31 位二进制来表示优先级车道共 31 条, 位数越小(1的位置越靠右)表示优先级越高
export const TotalLanes = 31

// 没有优先级
export const NoLanes: Lanes = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000000
export const NoLane: Lane = /*                          */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000000

// 同步优先级,表示同步的任务一次只能执行一个,例如:用户的交互事件产生的更新任务
export const SyncLane: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000001

// 连续触发优先级,例如:滚动事件,拖动事件等
export const InputContinuousHydrationLane: Lane = /*    */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000010
export const InputContinuousLane: Lane = /*             */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000100

// 默认优先级,例如使用 setTimeout,请求数据返回等造成的更新
export const DefaultHydrationLane: Lane = /*            */ 0b0000000000000000000000000001000
export const DefaultLane: Lane = /*                     */ 0b0000000000000000000000000010000

// 过度优先级,例如: Suspense、useTransition、useDeferredValue等拥有的优先级
const TransitionHydrationLane: Lane = /*                */ 0b0000000000000000000000000100000
const TransitionLanes: Lanes = /*                       */ 0b0000000001111111111111111000000
const TransitionLane1: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000000000001000000
const TransitionLane2: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000000000010000000
const TransitionLane3: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000000000100000000
const TransitionLane4: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000000001000000000
const TransitionLane5: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000000010000000000
const TransitionLane6: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000000100000000000
const TransitionLane7: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000001000000000000
const TransitionLane8: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000010000000000000
const TransitionLane9: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0000000000000000100000000000000
const TransitionLane10: Lane = /*                       */ 0b0000000000000001000000000000000
const TransitionLane11: Lane = /*                       */ 0b0000000000000010000000000000000
const TransitionLane12: Lane = /*                       */ 0b0000000000000100000000000000000
const TransitionLane13: Lane = /*                       */ 0b0000000000001000000000000000000
const TransitionLane14: Lane = /*                       */ 0b0000000000010000000000000000000
const TransitionLane15: Lane = /*                       */ 0b0000000000100000000000000000000
const TransitionLane16: Lane = /*                       */ 0b0000000001000000000000000000000

const RetryLanes: Lanes = /*                            */ 0b0000111110000000000000000000000
const RetryLane1: Lane = /*                             */ 0b0000000010000000000000000000000
const RetryLane2: Lane = /*                             */ 0b0000000100000000000000000000000
const RetryLane3: Lane = /*                             */ 0b0000001000000000000000000000000
const RetryLane4: Lane = /*                             */ 0b0000010000000000000000000000000
const RetryLane5: Lane = /*                             */ 0b0000100000000000000000000000000

export const SomeRetryLane: Lane = RetryLane1

export const SelectiveHydrationLane: Lane = /*          */ 0b0001000000000000000000000000000

const NonIdleLanes: Lanes = /*                          */ 0b0001111111111111111111111111111

export const IdleHydrationLane: Lane = /*               */ 0b0010000000000000000000000000000
export const IdleLane: Lane = /*                        */ 0b0100000000000000000000000000000

export const OffscreenLane: Lane = /*                   */ 0b1000000000000000000000000000000

在 React 中,render 阶段可能被中断,在这个期间会产生一个更高优先级的任务,会再次更新 Lane 属性,多个更新就会合并,则需要 Lane 表现出多个更新优先级。通过位运算,可以让多个优先级的任务合并,也可以通过位运算分离出高优先级和低优先级的任务。

React 调用 getHighestPriorityLanes(lanes) 函数,通过 getHighestPriorityLane(lanes) 执行 lanes & -lanes 分离出高优先级任务。


例如:SyncLaneInputContinuousLane 优先级合并后,通过 lane & -lane 分离的结果是 SyncLane

SyncLane = /*                */0b0000000000000000000000000000001
InputContinuousLane = /*     */0b0000000000000000000000000000100
lane = SyncLane | InputContinuousLane // SyncLane 和 InputContinuousLane 优先级合并
lane = /*                    */0b0000000000000000000000000000101
-lane = /*                   */0b1111111111111111111111111111011
lanes & -lanes /*            */0b0000000000000000000000000000001
getHighestPriorityLanes 函数
export function getHighestPriorityLane(lanes: Lanes): Lane {
  return lanes & -lanes

function getHighestPriorityLanes(lanes: Lanes | Lane): Lanes {
  switch (getHighestPriorityLane(lanes)) {
    case SyncLane:
      return SyncLane
    case InputContinuousHydrationLane:
      return InputContinuousHydrationLane
    case InputContinuousLane:
      return InputContinuousLane
    case DefaultHydrationLane:
      return DefaultHydrationLane
    case DefaultLane:
      return DefaultLane
    case TransitionHydrationLane:
      return TransitionHydrationLane
    case TransitionLane1:
    case TransitionLane2:
    case TransitionLane3:
    case TransitionLane4:
    case TransitionLane5:
    case TransitionLane6:
    case TransitionLane7:
    case TransitionLane8:
    case TransitionLane9:
    case TransitionLane10:
    case TransitionLane11:
    case TransitionLane12:
    case TransitionLane13:
    case TransitionLane14:
    case TransitionLane15:
    case TransitionLane16:
      return lanes & TransitionLanes
    case RetryLane1:
    case RetryLane2:
    case RetryLane3:
    case RetryLane4:
    case RetryLane5:
      return lanes & RetryLanes
    case SelectiveHydrationLane:
      return SelectiveHydrationLane
    case IdleHydrationLane:
      return IdleHydrationLane
    case IdleLane:
      return IdleLane
    case OffscreenLane:
      return OffscreenLane
      if (__DEV__) {
          'Should have found matching lanes. This is a bug in React.'
      // This shouldn't be reachable, but as a fallback, return the entire bitmask.
      return lanes

执行上下文 ExecutionContext

在 React 中,在一次点击事件更新中,多次更新 state,那么在 React 中会被合成一次更新。React 会通过给更新上下文状态 ExecutionContext 赋值不同的状态,来证明当前上下文的状态。点击事件里面的上下文会被赋值独立的上下文状态。

export function batchedUpdates<A, R>(fn: A => R, a: A): R {
  const prevExecutionContext = executionContext
  executionContext |= BatchedContext
  try {
    return fn(a)
  } finally {
    executionContext = prevExecutionContext
    // If there were legacy sync updates, flush them at the end of the outer
    // most batchedUpdates-like method.
    if (
      executionContext === NoContext &&
      // Treat `act` as if it's inside `batchedUpdates`, even in legacy mode.
      !(__DEV__ && ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy)
    ) {

在 React 事件系统中,给更新上下文状 ExecutionContext 赋值 EventContext,在执行完事件后,再重置到之前的状态。这样在事件系统中的更新能感知到目前的更新上下文是 EventContext,那么在这里的更新就是可控的,就可以实现批量更新的逻辑了。

export const NoContext = /*             */ 0b000
const BatchedContext = /*               */ 0b001
const RenderContext = /*                */ 0b010
const CommitContext = /*                */ 0b100

在 React 整体设计中,更新上下文状态 ExecutionContext 作为一个全局状态,指引 React 更新的方向,在 React 运行时上下文中,无论是初始化还是更新,都会走一个入口函数,即 scheduleUpdateOnFiber ,这个函数会使用更新上下文来判别更新的下一步走向。

::: detials scheduleUpdateOnFiber 函数

export function scheduleUpdateOnFiber(
  root: FiberRoot,
  fiber: Fiber,
  lane: Lane,
  eventTime: number
) {
  if (
    (executionContext & RenderContext) !== NoLanes &&
    root === workInProgressRoot
  ) {
  } else {
    // ... 省略部分代码

    if (root === workInProgressRoot) {
      // Received an update to a tree that's in the middle of rendering. Mark
      // that there was an interleaved update work on this root. Unless the
      // `deferRenderPhaseUpdateToNextBatch` flag is off and this is a render
      // phase update. In that case, we don't treat render phase updates as if
      // they were interleaved, for backwards compat reasons.
      if (
        deferRenderPhaseUpdateToNextBatch ||
        (executionContext & RenderContext) === NoContext
      ) {
        workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes = mergeLanes(
      if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspendedWithDelay) {
        // The root already suspended with a delay, which means this render
        // definitely won't finish. Since we have a new update, let's mark it as
        // suspended now, right before marking the incoming update. This has the
        // effect of interrupting the current render and switching to the update.
        // TODO: Make sure this doesn't override pings that happen while we've
        // already started rendering.
        markRootSuspended(root, workInProgressRootRenderLanes)

    ensureRootIsScheduled(root, eventTime)
    if (
      lane === SyncLane &&
      executionContext === NoContext &&
      (fiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode &&
      // Treat `act` as if it's inside `batchedUpdates`, even in legacy mode.
      !(__DEV__ && ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy)
    ) {
      // Flush the synchronous work now, unless we're already working or inside
      // a batch. This is intentionally inside scheduleUpdateOnFiber instead of
      // scheduleCallbackForFiber to preserve the ability to schedule a callback
      // without immediately flushing it. We only do this for user-initiated
      // updates, to preserve historical behavior of legacy mode.


更新标识 flag

在 React 中,通过判断 Fiber 的标识 flag 表示当前 Fiber 的更新类型。

// Don't change these two values. They're used by React Dev Tools.
export const NoFlags = /*                      */ 0b00000000000000000000000000
export const PerformedWork = /*                */ 0b00000000000000000000000001

// You can change the rest (and add more).
export const Placement = /*                    */ 0b00000000000000000000000010
export const Update = /*                       */ 0b00000000000000000000000100
export const Deletion = /*                     */ 0b00000000000000000000001000
export const ChildDeletion = /*                */ 0b00000000000000000000010000
export const ContentReset = /*                 */ 0b00000000000000000000100000
export const Callback = /*                     */ 0b00000000000000000001000000
export const DidCapture = /*                   */ 0b00000000000000000010000000
export const ForceClientRender = /*            */ 0b00000000000000000100000000
export const Ref = /*                          */ 0b00000000000000001000000000
export const Snapshot = /*                     */ 0b00000000000000010000000000
export const Passive = /*                      */ 0b00000000000000100000000000
export const Hydrating = /*                    */ 0b00000000000001000000000000
export const Visibility = /*                   */ 0b00000000000010000000000000
export const StoreConsistency = /*             */ 0b00000000000100000000000000
贡献者: lingronghai