

Mr.LRH大约 22 分钟


在 React v16+ 中, Reconciler 与 Renderer 不再是交替工作。

  • 当 Scheduler 将任务交给 Reconciler 后,Reconciler 会为变化的虚拟 DOM 打上代表增/删/更新的标记。
  • 整个 Scheduler 与 Reconciler 的工作都在内存中进行,只有当所有组件都完成 Reconciler 的工作,才会统一交给 Renderer。

Reconciler render 阶段

Reconciler render 阶段开始于 performSyncWorkOnRootperformConcurrentWorkOnRoot 函数的调用。

  • performSyncWorkOnRootLegacy Sync 模式):执行同步渲染任务。
  • performConcurrentWorkOnRootConcurrent 模式):执行并发渲染任务。在函数中,会调用 shouldYield 函数判断是否需要中断遍历,使浏览器有时间渲染。如果当前浏览器帧没有剩余时间,则会终止循环,直到浏览器有空闲时间后再继续遍历。
performSyncWorkOnRoot 与 performConcurrentWorkOnRoot 函数
// react\packages\react-reconciler\src\ReactFiberWorkLoop.old.js

// ensureRootIsScheduled 用于 rootFiber 的任务调度。一个 root 只有一个任务在执行,每次更新和任务退出前都会调用此函数。
// 1. 计算新任务的过期时间、优先级
// 2. 无新任务,退出调度
// 3. 有历史任务:
//    3.1 新旧任务的优先级相同,继续执行旧任务,(新任务会在旧任务执行完成之后的同步刷新钩子中执行)
//    3.2 新旧任务的优先级不相同,取消旧任务
// 4. 根据不同的 Priority (优先级) 执行不同的调度(scheduleSyncCallback(同步) 或 scheduleCallback(异步)), 最后将返回值设置到 fiberRoot.callbackNode
function ensureRootIsScheduled(root: FiberRoot, currentTime: number) {
  // ......

  // Schedule a new callback.
  let newCallbackNode
  if (newCallbackPriority === SyncLane) {
    // Special case: Sync React callbacks are scheduled on a special
    // internal queue
    if (root.tag === LegacyRoot) {
      scheduleLegacySyncCallback(performSyncWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root))
    } else {
      scheduleSyncCallback(performSyncWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root))
    // ......
  } else {
    let schedulerPriorityLevel
    // lanesToEventPriority : 将 lane 优先级转换为 event 优先级
    // 以区间的形式,根据传入的 lane 返回对应的 event 优先级。比如,传入的优先级不大于 Discrete 优先级,就返回 Discrete 优先级,以此类推
    switch (lanesToEventPriority(nextLanes)) {
      case DiscreteEventPriority:
        // DiscreteEventPriority 离散事件优先级。click、keydown、focusin等,事件的触发不是连续,可以做到快速响应
        schedulerPriorityLevel = ImmediateSchedulerPriority
      case ContinuousEventPriority:
        // ContinuousEventPriority 连续事件优先级。drag、scroll、mouseover等,事件的是连续触发的,快速响应可能会阻塞渲染,优先级较离散事件低
        schedulerPriorityLevel = UserBlockingSchedulerPriority
      case DefaultEventPriority:
        // DefaultEventPriority 默认的事件优先级
        schedulerPriorityLevel = NormalSchedulerPriority
      case IdleEventPriority:
        // IdleEventPriority 空闲的优先级
        schedulerPriorityLevel = IdleSchedulerPriority
        schedulerPriorityLevel = NormalSchedulerPriority
    newCallbackNode = scheduleCallback(
      performConcurrentWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root)

// 执行同步渲染任务
function performSyncWorkOnRoot(root) {
  let exitStatus = renderRootSync(root, lanes)

  // ... 省略部分代码


  // Before exiting, make sure there's a callback scheduled for the next
  // pending level.
  // 退出前再次检测, 是否还有其他更新, 是否需要发起新调度
  ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now())

  return null

// 执行并发渲染任务
function performConcurrentWorkOnRoot(root, didTimeout) {
  const shouldTimeSlice =
    !includesBlockingLane(root, lanes) &&
    !includesExpiredLane(root, lanes) &&
    (disableSchedulerTimeoutInWorkLoop || !didTimeout)

  // 退出状态
  // 默认情况下,并发更新总是使用时间切片
  let exitStatus = shouldTimeSlice
    ? renderRootConcurrent(root, lanes) // 执行可中断更新
    : renderRootSync(root, lanes) // 循环调用 workLoopSync 进行同步更新

  // ......

  // 退出前再次检测, 是否还有其他更新, 是否需要发起新调度
  ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now())

  // 下一个要渲染的任务,递归调用 performConcurrentWorkOnRoot自身 继续执行调度
  if (root.callbackNode === originalCallbackNode) {
    // The task node scheduled for this root is the same one that's
    // currently executed. Need to return a continuation.
    // 渲染被阻断, 返回一个新的 performConcurrentWorkOnRoot 函数, 等待下一次调用
    return performConcurrentWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root)
  return null

// 执行同步更新
function renderRootSync(root: FiberRoot, lanes: Lanes) {
  // ......

  do {
    try {
    } catch (thrownValue) {
      handleError(root, thrownValue)
  } while (true)

  // ......

// 执行可中断更新
function renderRootConcurrent(root: FiberRoot, lanes: Lanes) {
  // ......

  do {
    try {
    } catch (thrownValue) {
      handleError(root, thrownValue)
  } while (true)

  // ......

function workLoopSync() {
  // Already timed out, so perform work without checking if we need to yield.
  while (workInProgress !== null) {

function workLoopConcurrent() {
  // Perform work until Scheduler asks us to yield
  while (workInProgress !== null && !shouldYield()) {

function performUnitOfWork(unitOfWork: Fiber): void {
  // The current, flushed, state of this fiber is the alternate. Ideally
  // nothing should rely on this, but relying on it here means that we don't
  // need an additional field on the work in progress.
  const current = unitOfWork.alternate

  let next
  if (enableProfilerTimer && (unitOfWork.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {
    next = beginWork(current, unitOfWork, subtreeRenderLanes)
    stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(unitOfWork, true)
  } else {
    next = beginWork(current, unitOfWork, subtreeRenderLanes)

  unitOfWork.memoizedProps = unitOfWork.pendingProps
  if (next === null) {
    // If this doesn't spawn new work, complete the current work.
  } else {
    workInProgress = next

  ReactCurrentOwner.current = null

performSyncWorkOnRootperformConcurrentWorkOnRoot 函数中,最终会调用 performUnitOfWork(workInProgress) 函数。

  • workInProgress 表示当前已创建的 workInProgress fiber
  • performUnitOfWork(workInProgress) 函数会创建下一个 Fiber 节点 并赋值给 workInProgress,并将 workInProgress 与已创建的 Fiber 节点 连接起来构成 Fiber 树。

Fiber Reconciler 通过遍历的方式实现可中断的递归,对于 performUnitOfWork 的工作可以分为两部分:“递”和“归”。“递”和“归”阶段会交错执行,直到“归”到 rootFiber,此时 Reconciler render 阶段完成。

  • “递”阶段

    rootFiber 开始向下深度优先遍历,为遍历到的每个 Fiber 节点 调用 beginWork 方法。该方法根据传入的 Fiber 节点 创建 子 Fiber 节点,并将两个 Fiber 节点 连接起来。

  • “归”阶段

    当遍历到叶子节点(即:没有子组件的组件)时,会进入“归”阶段,会调用 completeWork 方法处理 Fiber 节点

    • 当某个 Fiber 节点 执行完 completeWork,如果其存在 兄弟 Fiber 节点(即 : fiber.sibling !== null),会进入其 兄弟 Fiber 的“递”阶段。
    • 如果不存在 兄弟 Fiber,会进入 父级 Fiber 的“归”阶段。
performUnitOfWork 函数
function performUnitOfWork(unitOfWork: Fiber): void {
  // The current, flushed, state of this fiber is the alternate. Ideally
  // nothing should rely on this, but relying on it here means that we don't
  // need an additional field on the work in progress.
  const current = unitOfWork.alternate

  let next
  if (enableProfilerTimer && (unitOfWork.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {
    next = beginWork(current, unitOfWork, subtreeRenderLanes)
    stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(unitOfWork, true)
  } else {
    next = beginWork(current, unitOfWork, subtreeRenderLanes)

  unitOfWork.memoizedProps = unitOfWork.pendingProps
  if (next === null) {
    // If this doesn't spawn new work, complete the current work.
  } else {
    workInProgress = next

  ReactCurrentOwner.current = null

function completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork: Fiber): void {
  // Attempt to complete the current unit of work, then move to the next
  // sibling. If there are no more siblings, return to the parent fiber.
  let completedWork = unitOfWork
  do {
    // The current, flushed, state of this fiber is the alternate. Ideally
    // nothing should rely on this, but relying on it here means that we don't
    // need an additional field on the work in progress.
    const current = completedWork.alternate
    const returnFiber = completedWork.return

    // Check if the work completed or if something threw.
    if ((completedWork.flags & Incomplete) === NoFlags) {
      let next
      if (
        !enableProfilerTimer ||
        (completedWork.mode & ProfileMode) === NoMode
      ) {
        next = completeWork(current, completedWork, subtreeRenderLanes)
      } else {
        next = completeWork(current, completedWork, subtreeRenderLanes)
        // Update render duration assuming we didn't error.
        stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(completedWork, false)

      if (next !== null) {
        // Completing this fiber spawned new work. Work on that next.
        workInProgress = next
    } else {
      // This fiber did not complete because something threw. Pop values off
      // the stack without entering the complete phase. If this is a boundary,
      // capture values if possible.
      const next = unwindWork(current, completedWork, subtreeRenderLanes)

      // Because this fiber did not complete, don't reset its lanes.

      if (next !== null) {
        // If completing this work spawned new work, do that next. We'll come
        // back here again.
        // Since we're restarting, remove anything that is not a host effect
        // from the effect tag.
        next.flags &= HostEffectMask
        workInProgress = next

      if (
        enableProfilerTimer &&
        (completedWork.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode
      ) {
        // Record the render duration for the fiber that errored.
        stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(completedWork, false)

        // Include the time spent working on failed children before continuing.
        let actualDuration = completedWork.actualDuration
        let child = completedWork.child
        while (child !== null) {
          actualDuration += child.actualDuration
          child = child.sibling
        completedWork.actualDuration = actualDuration

      if (returnFiber !== null) {
        // Mark the parent fiber as incomplete and clear its subtree flags.
        returnFiber.flags |= Incomplete
        returnFiber.subtreeFlags = NoFlags
        returnFiber.deletions = null
      } else {
        // We've unwound all the way to the root.
        workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootDidNotComplete
        workInProgress = null

    const siblingFiber = completedWork.sibling
    if (siblingFiber !== null) {
      // If there is more work to do in this returnFiber, do that next.
      workInProgress = siblingFiber
    // Otherwise, return to the parent
    completedWork = returnFiber
    // Update the next thing we're working on in case something throws.
    workInProgress = completedWork
  } while (completedWork !== null)

  // We've reached the root.
  if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootInProgress) {
    workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootCompleted

“递”阶段 - beginWork


beginWork 函数
let didReceiveUpdate: boolean = false

function beginWork(
  current: Fiber | null,
  workInProgress: Fiber,
  renderLanes: Lanes
): Fiber | null {
  if (current !== null) {
    /* 更新流程 */

    // current 树上上一次渲染后的 props
    const oldProps = current.memoizedProps
    // workInProgress 树上这一次更新的 props
    const newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps

    if (
      oldProps !== newProps ||
      hasLegacyContextChanged() ||
      // Force a re-render if the implementation changed due to hot reload:
      (__DEV__ ? workInProgress.type !== current.type : false)
    ) {
      // If props or context changed, mark the fiber as having performed work.
      // This may be unset if the props are determined to be equal later (memo).
      didReceiveUpdate = true
    } else {
      // Neither props nor legacy context changes. Check if there's a pending
      // update or context change.

      // props 和 context 没有发生变化,检查是否更新来自自身或者 context 改变
      const hasScheduledUpdateOrContext = checkScheduledUpdateOrContext(
      if (
        !hasScheduledUpdateOrContext &&
        // If this is the second pass of an error or suspense boundary, there
        // may not be work scheduled on `current`, so we check for this flag.
        (workInProgress.flags & DidCapture) === NoFlags
      ) {
        // No pending updates or context. Bail out now.
        didReceiveUpdate = false

        // attemptEarlyBailoutIfNoScheduledUpdate 函数会处理部分 Context 逻辑
        // 在函数内部,调用了 bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork
        return attemptEarlyBailoutIfNoScheduledUpdate(
      if ((current.flags & ForceUpdateForLegacySuspense) !== NoFlags) {
        // This is a special case that only exists for legacy mode.
        // See https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/19216.
        didReceiveUpdate = true
      } else {
        // An update was scheduled on this fiber, but there are no new props
        // nor legacy context. Set this to false. If an update queue or context
        // consumer produces a changed value, it will set this to true. Otherwise,
        // the component will assume the children have not changed and bail out.
        didReceiveUpdate = false
  } else {
    didReceiveUpdate = false

    if (getIsHydrating() && isForkedChild(workInProgress)) {
      // Check if this child belongs to a list of muliple children in
      // its parent.
      // In a true multi-threaded implementation, we would render children on
      // parallel threads. This would represent the beginning of a new render
      // thread for this subtree.
      // We only use this for id generation during hydration, which is why the
      // logic is located in this special branch.
      const slotIndex = workInProgress.index
      const numberOfForks = getForksAtLevel(workInProgress)
      pushTreeId(workInProgress, numberOfForks, slotIndex)

  // Before entering the begin phase, clear pending update priority.
  // TODO: This assumes that we're about to evaluate the component and process
  // the update queue. However, there's an exception: SimpleMemoComponent
  // sometimes bails out later in the begin phase. This indicates that we should
  // move this assignment out of the common path and into each branch.
  workInProgress.lanes = NoLanes

  switch (workInProgress.tag) {
    case IndeterminateComponent: {
      // ... 省略部分代码
    case LazyComponent: {
      // ... 省略部分代码
    case FunctionComponent: {
      // ... 省略部分代码
    case ClassComponent: {
      // ... 省略部分代码
    // ... 省略部分 case 相关代码

beginWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) 函数的作用是传入当前 Fiber 节点,创建 子 Fiber 节点 。在该函数中:

  • update(即: current !== null) 时

    如果 current 存在(即 current !== null),在满足一定条件时可以复用 current 节点,就能克隆 current.child 作为 workInProgress.child,而不需要新建 workInProgress.child

    满足如下情况时,didReceiveUpdate === false,即可以直接复用前一次更新的 子 Fiber,不需要新建 子 Fiber

    • oldProps === newProps && workInProgress.type === current.type ,即 propsfiber.type 不变
    • !includesSomeLane(renderLanes, updateLanes),即当前 Fiber 节点 优先级不够

    注:didReceiveUpdate 标识当前更新是否来源于父级的更新,自身并没有更新。比如:更新父组件,其子组件也会跟着更新,这个情况下 didReceiveUpdate = true

  • mount(即: current == null) 时

    组件 mount 时,除 fiberRoot 以外,满足如下情况,会根据 fiber.tag 不同,创建不同类型的子 Fiber 节点

    • 首次渲染,不存在当前组件对应 Fiber 节点 在上一次更新时的 Fiber 节点(即 current === null
    • 当不满足优化路径时
  • reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes)

    对于常见的组件类型,如(FunctionComponent / ClassComponent / HostComponent),创建新的 子 Fiber 节点,会进入 reconcileChildren 方法。

    该方法会生成新的 子 Fiber 节点 并赋值给 workInProgress.child,作为本次 beginWork 返回值,并作为下次 performUnitOfWork 执行时 workInProgress 的传参。

    • 对于 mount 的组件,创建新的 子 Fiber 节点
    • 对于 update 的组件,将当前组件与该组件在上次更新时对应的 Fiber 节点 比较(即 Diff 算法),将比较的结果生成新 Fiber 节点
    reconcileChildren 函数
    export function reconcileChildren(
      current: Fiber | null,
      workInProgress: Fiber,
      nextChildren: any,
      renderLanes: Lanes
    ) {
      if (current === null) {
        // If this is a fresh new component that hasn't been rendered yet, we
        // won't update its child set by applying minimal side-effects. Instead,
        // we will add them all to the child before it gets rendered. That means
        // we can optimize this reconciliation pass by not tracking side-effects.
        workInProgress.child = mountChildFibers(
      } else {
        // If the current child is the same as the work in progress, it means that
        // we haven't yet started any work on these children. Therefore, we use
        // the clone algorithm to create a copy of all the current children.
        // If we had any progressed work already, that is invalid at this point so
        // let's throw it out.
        workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(
  • EffectTag

    render 阶段是在内存中进行,结束后会通知 Renderer 执行 DOM 操作,执行 DOM 操作的具体类型保存在 fiber.effectTag 中。

    // 通过二进制表示 effectTag,可以方便的使用位操作为 fiber.effectTag 赋值多个 effect
    // DOM 需要插入到页面中
    export const Placement = /*                    */ 0b00000000000000000000000010
    // DOM 需要更新
    export const Update = /*                       */ 0b00000000000000000000000100
    // DOM 需要删除
    export const Deletion = /*                     */ 0b00000000000000000000001000
    // ......

    如果要通知 RendererFiber 节点 对应的 DOM 节点插入页面中,需要满足两个条件:

    • fiber.stateNode 存在,即 Fiber 节点 中保存了对应的 DOM 节点。
    • (fiber.effectTag & Placement) !== 0,即 Fiber 节点 存在 Placement effectTag

    mount 时,fiber.stateNode === null,且在 reconcileChildren 中调用的 mountChildFibers 不会为 Fiber 节点 赋值 effectTag。在首屏渲染中:

    • fiber.stateNode 会在 completeWork 中创建。
    • 假设 mountChildFibers 也会赋值 effectTag,可以预见 mount 时整棵 Fiber 树所有节点都会有 Placement effectTag。在 mount 时,只有 rootFiber 会赋值 Placement effectTag,在 commit 阶段只会执行一次插入操作。

“归”阶段 - completeWork


completeWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) 针对不同 fiber.tagFiber 节点 执行对应操作。主要分析页面渲染所必须的 HostComponent(即,原生 DOM 组件对应的 Fiber 节点)

completeWork 函数
function completeWork(
  current: Fiber | null,
  workInProgress: Fiber,
  renderLanes: Lanes
): Fiber | null {
  const newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps
  // Note: This intentionally doesn't check if we're hydrating because comparing
  // to the current tree provider fiber is just as fast and less error-prone.
  // Ideally we would have a special version of the work loop only
  // for hydration.
  switch (workInProgress.tag) {
    case IndeterminateComponent:
    case LazyComponent:
    case SimpleMemoComponent:
    case FunctionComponent:
    case ForwardRef:
    case Fragment:
    case Mode:
    case Profiler:
    case ContextConsumer:
    case MemoComponent:
      return null
    case ClassComponent: {
      // ... 省略部分代码
      return null
    case HostRoot: {
      // ... 省略部分代码
      updateHostContainer(current, workInProgress)
      // ... 省略部分代码
      return null
    case HostComponent: {
      const rootContainerInstance = getRootHostContainer()
      const type = workInProgress.type
      if (current !== null && workInProgress.stateNode != null) {

        if (current.ref !== workInProgress.ref) {
      } else {
        if (!newProps) {
          if (workInProgress.stateNode === null) {
            throw new Error(
              'We must have new props for new mounts. This error is likely ' +
                'caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'

          // This can happen when we abort work.
          return null

        const currentHostContext = getHostContext()
        // TODO: Move createInstance to beginWork and keep it on a context
        // "stack" as the parent. Then append children as we go in beginWork
        // or completeWork depending on whether we want to add them top->down or
        // bottom->up. Top->down is faster in IE11.
        const wasHydrated = popHydrationState(workInProgress)
        if (wasHydrated) {
          // TODO: Move this and createInstance step into the beginPhase
          // to consolidate.
          if (
          ) {
            // If changes to the hydrated node need to be applied at the
            // commit-phase we mark this as such.
        } else {
          const instance = createInstance(

          appendAllChildren(instance, workInProgress, false, false)

          workInProgress.stateNode = instance

          // Certain renderers require commit-time effects for initial mount.
          // (eg DOM renderer supports auto-focus for certain elements).
          // Make sure such renderers get scheduled for later work.
          if (
          ) {

        if (workInProgress.ref !== null) {
          // If there is a ref on a host node we need to schedule a callback
      return null
    case HostText: {
      // ... 省略部分代码
      return null
    // ... 省略部分 case 代码
  • update

    update 时(即 current !== null && workInProgress.stateNode != null),Fiber 节点 已经存在对应 DOM 节点,所以不需要生成 DOM 节点,要做的主要是处理 props

    • onClickonChange 等回调函数的注册
    • 处理 style prop
    • 处理 children prop
    • ......

    主要的逻辑是调用 updateHostComponent 方法。在该方法中,被处理完的 props 会被赋值给 workInProgress.updateQueue,并最终会在 commit 阶段被渲染在页面上。

    workInProgress.updateQueue = (updatePayload: any)

    updatePayload 为数组形式,他的偶数索引的值为变化的 prop key,奇数索引的值为变化的 prop value

  • mount

    mount 时的主要逻辑包括:

    • Fiber 节点 生成对应的 DOM 节点。通过调用 createInstance 方法为 Fiber 节点 创建 DOM 节点,创建好的 DOM 节点会赋值给 fiber.stateNode
    • 将子孙 DOM 节点插入刚生成的 DOM 节点中。completeWork 属于“归”阶段调用的函数,每次调用 appendAllChildren 方法时,都会将已生成的子孙 DOM 节点插入当前生成的 DOM 节点下。当“归”到 rootFiber 时,已经有一个构建好的离屏 DOM 树。
    • 与 update 逻辑中的 updateHostComponent 类似的处理 props 的过程。通过调用 finalizeInitialChildren 方法,初始化 DOM 对象的事件监听器和内部属性。
  • EffectList

    EffectList 作为 DOM 操作的依据,commit 阶段需要找到所有有 EffectTagFiber 节点 并依次执行 EffectTag 对应操作。

    completeWork 的上层函数 completeUnitOfWork 中,每个执行完 completeWork 且存在 EffectTagFiber 节点 会被保存在 EffectList 的单向链表中。EffectList 中第一个 Fiber 节点 保存在 fiber.firstEffect,最后一个元素保存在 fiber.lastEffect

    在“归”阶段,所有有 EffectTagFiber 节点 都会被追加在 EffectList 中,最终形成一条以 rootFiber.firstEffect 为起点的单向链表。在 commit 阶段只需要遍历 EffectList 就能执行所有 effect 了。

  • commitRoot(root)

    performSyncWorkOnRoot 函数中 fiberRoot 被传递给 commitRoot 方法,开启 commit 阶段工作流程。

    commitRoot 函数
    function commitRoot(
      root: FiberRoot,
      recoverableErrors: null | Array<CapturedValue<mixed>>,
      transitions: Array<Transition> | null
    ) {
      // TODO: This no longer makes any sense. We already wrap the mutation and
      // layout phases. Should be able to remove.
      const previousUpdateLanePriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority()
      const prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition
      try {
        ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = null
      } finally {
        ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = prevTransition
      return null

Reconciler commit 阶段

performSyncWorkOnRoot 函数中调用 commitRoot(root)commit 阶段的起点,fiberRoot 会作为入参。

Reconciler commit 阶段(即 Renderer 的工作流程)主要分为三部分:

  • before mutation 阶段(执行 DOM 操作前)
  • mutation 阶段(执行 DOM 操作)
  • layout 阶段(执行 DOM 操作后)

before mutation 阶段之前和 layout 阶段之后还有一些额外工作,比如 useEffect 的触发、优先级相关的重置、ref 的绑定/解绑。

render 阶段,会遍历 Fiber 树,收集需要更新的地方,打不同的标志,标志会在 commit 阶段执行。

  • 更新相关
    • Update :组件更新标志
    • Ref :处理绑定元素和组件实例
  • 元素相关
    • Placement :插入元素
    • Update :更新元素
    • ChildDeletion :删除元素
    • Snapshot :元素快照
    • Visibility-offscreen :新特性
    • ContentReset :文本内容更新
  • 更新回调,执行 effect:
    • Callback-root 回调函数
    • 类组件回调
    • Passive-useEffect 的钩子函数
    • Layout-useLayoutEffect 的钩子函数
    • Insertion-useInsertionEffect 的钩子函数

before mutation

before mutation 阶段,遍历 EffectList 并调用 commitBeforeMutationEffects 函数处理。

主要调用函数调用链路:commitRoot 函数 --> commitRootImpl 函数 --> commitBeforeMutationEffects 函数 --> commitBeforeMutationEffects_begin 函数 --> commitBeforeMutationEffects_complete 函数 --> commitBeforeMutationEffectsOnFiber 函数

  • 处理 DOM 节点渲染/删除后的 autoFocusblur 逻辑。

  • 调用 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate 生命周期钩子。

    commitBeforeMutationEffectsOnFiber 函数,主要用与处理 Snapshot,获取 DOM 更新前的快照信息,对于 ClassComponent 会调用实例的 getSnapShotBeforeUpdate 函数。

    从 React v16 开始,componentWillXXX 钩子函数前增加了 UNSAFE_ 前缀,是因为 Stack Reconciler 重构为 Fiber Reconciler 后,render 阶段的任务可能中断/重新开始,对应的组件在 render 阶段的生命周期钩子(即 componentWillXXX)可能触发多次。为此,React 提供了替代的生命周期钩子 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate

    getSnapshotBeforeUpdate 是在 commit 阶段内的 before mutation 阶段调用的,由于 commit 阶段是同步的,所以不会遇到多次调用的问题。

  • 调度 useEffect

    flushPassiveEffects 方法内部会从全局变量 rootWithPendingPassiveEffects 获取 EffectList

    EffectList 中保存了需要执行副作用的 Fiber 节点。其中副作用包括:插入 DOM 节点(Placement)、更新 DOM 节点(Update)、删除 DOM 节点(Deletion)。除此外,当一个 FunctionComponent 含有 useEffectuseLayoutEffect,对应的 Fiber 节点 也会被赋值 effectTag


    • before mutation 阶段之前,在 scheduleCallback 中调度 flushPassiveEffects 注册回调函数
    • layout 阶段之后,将 EffectList 赋值给 rootWithPendingPassiveEffects 全局变量,回调函数执行的时候才有值
    • scheduleCallback 触发 flushPassiveEffectsflushPassiveEffects 内部遍历 rootWithPendingPassiveEffects

    componentDidMountcomponentDidUpdate 不同的是,在浏览器完成布局与绘制之后,传给 useEffect 的函数会延迟调用。这使得它适用于许多常见的副作用场景,比如设置订阅和事件处理等情况,因此不应在函数中执行阻塞浏览器更新屏幕的操作。可见,useEffect 异步执行的原因主要是防止同步执行时阻塞浏览器渲染。

    flushPassiveEffects 函数
    export function flushPassiveEffects(): boolean {
      // Returns whether passive effects were flushed.
      // TODO: Combine this check with the one in flushPassiveEFfectsImpl. We should
      // probably just combine the two functions. I believe they were only separate
      // in the first place because we used to wrap it with
      // `Scheduler.runWithPriority`, which accepts a function. But now we track the
      // priority within React itself, so we can mutate the variable directly.
      if (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects !== null) {
        // Cache the root since rootWithPendingPassiveEffects is cleared in
        // flushPassiveEffectsImpl
        const root = rootWithPendingPassiveEffects
        // Cache and clear the remaining lanes flag; it must be reset since this
        // method can be called from various places, not always from commitRoot
        // where the remaining lanes are known
        const remainingLanes = pendingPassiveEffectsRemainingLanes
        pendingPassiveEffectsRemainingLanes = NoLanes
        const renderPriority = lanesToEventPriority(pendingPassiveEffectsLanes)
        const priority = lowerEventPriority(DefaultEventPriority, renderPriority)
        const prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition
        const previousPriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority()
        try {
          ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = null
          return flushPassiveEffectsImpl()
        } finally {
          ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = prevTransition
          // Once passive effects have run for the tree - giving components a
          // chance to retain cache instances they use - release the pooled
          // cache at the root (if there is one)
          releaseRootPooledCache(root, remainingLanes)
      return false
commitBeforeMutationEffects 函数
export function commitBeforeMutationEffects(
  root: FiberRoot,
  firstChild: Fiber
) {
  focusedInstanceHandle = prepareForCommit(root.containerInfo)

  nextEffect = firstChild

  // We no longer need to track the active instance fiber
  const shouldFire = shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur
  shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur = false
  focusedInstanceHandle = null

  return shouldFire

function commitBeforeMutationEffects_begin() {
  while (nextEffect !== null) {
    const fiber = nextEffect

    // This phase is only used for beforeActiveInstanceBlur.
    // Let's skip the whole loop if it's off.
    if (enableCreateEventHandleAPI) {
      // TODO: Should wrap this in flags check, too, as optimization
      const deletions = fiber.deletions
      if (deletions !== null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < deletions.length; i++) {
          const deletion = deletions[i]

    const child = fiber.child
    if (
      (fiber.subtreeFlags & BeforeMutationMask) !== NoFlags &&
      child !== null
    ) {
      child.return = fiber
      nextEffect = child
    } else {

function commitBeforeMutationEffects_complete() {
  while (nextEffect !== null) {
    const fiber = nextEffect
    try {
    } catch (error) {
      captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error)

    const sibling = fiber.sibling
    if (sibling !== null) {
      sibling.return = fiber.return
      nextEffect = sibling

    nextEffect = fiber.return

function commitBeforeMutationEffectsOnFiber(finishedWork: Fiber) {
  const current = finishedWork.alternate
  const flags = finishedWork.flags

  if (enableCreateEventHandleAPI) {
    if (!shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur && focusedInstanceHandle !== null) {
      // Check to see if the focused element was inside of a hidden (Suspense) subtree.
      // TODO: Move this out of the hot path using a dedicated effect tag.
      if (
        finishedWork.tag === SuspenseComponent &&
        isSuspenseBoundaryBeingHidden(current, finishedWork) &&
        doesFiberContain(finishedWork, focusedInstanceHandle)
      ) {
        shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur = true

  if ((flags & Snapshot) !== NoFlags) {

    switch (finishedWork.tag) {
      case FunctionComponent:
      case ForwardRef:
      case SimpleMemoComponent: {
      case ClassComponent: {
        if (current !== null) {
          const prevProps = current.memoizedProps
          const prevState = current.memoizedState
          const instance = finishedWork.stateNode
          // We could update instance props and state here,
          // but instead we rely on them being set during last render.
          // TODO: revisit this when we implement resuming.
          const snapshot = instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(
            finishedWork.elementType === finishedWork.type
              ? prevProps
              : resolveDefaultProps(finishedWork.type, prevProps),
          instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = snapshot
      case HostRoot: {
        if (supportsMutation) {
          const root = finishedWork.stateNode
      case HostComponent:
      case HostText:
      case HostPortal:
      case IncompleteClassComponent:
        // Nothing to do for these component types
      default: {
        throw new Error(
          'This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is ' +
            'likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'



mutation 阶段,遍历 EffectList ,执行函数。

主要调用函数调用链路:commitRoot 函数 --> commitRootImpl 函数 --> commitMutationEffects 函数 --> commitMutationEffectsOnFiber 函数

commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(finishedWork.tag, root, lanes) 函数中,根据 finishedWork.tag 执行不同的操作,对新增元素,更新元素,删除元素进行真实的 DOM 操作。

function commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(
  finishedWork: Fiber,
  root: FiberRoot,
  lanes: Lanes
) {
  const current = finishedWork.alternate
  const flags = finishedWork.flags

  // The effect flag should be checked *after* we refine the type of fiber,
  // because the fiber tag is more specific. An exception is any flag related
  // to reconcilation, because those can be set on all fiber types.
  switch (finishedWork.tag) {
    case FunctionComponent:
    case ForwardRef:
    case MemoComponent:
    case SimpleMemoComponent: {
      // ... 省略部分代码
    case ClassComponent: {
      recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork, lanes)

      if (flags & Ref) {
        if (current !== null) {
          // 清空 ref
          safelyDetachRef(current, current.return)
    case HostComponent: {
      recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork, lanes)

      if (flags & Ref) {
        if (current !== null) {
          safelyDetachRef(current, current.return)
      if (supportsMutation) {
        // TODO: ContentReset gets cleared by the children during the commit
        // phase. This is a refactor hazard because it means we must read
        // flags the flags after `commitReconciliationEffects` has already run;
        // the order matters. We should refactor so that ContentReset does not
        // rely on mutating the flag during commit. Like by setting a flag
        // during the render phase instead.
        if (finishedWork.flags & ContentReset) {
          const instance: Instance = finishedWork.stateNode
          try {
          } catch (error) {
            captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error)

        if (flags & Update) {
          const instance: Instance = finishedWork.stateNode
          if (instance != null) {
            // Commit the work prepared earlier.
            const newProps = finishedWork.memoizedProps
            // For hydration we reuse the update path but we treat the oldProps
            // as the newProps. The updatePayload will contain the real change in
            // this case.
            const oldProps = current !== null ? current.memoizedProps : newProps
            const type = finishedWork.type
            // TODO: Type the updateQueue to be specific to host components.
            const updatePayload: null | UpdatePayload =
              (finishedWork.updateQueue: any)
            finishedWork.updateQueue = null
            if (updatePayload !== null) {
              try {
              } catch (error) {
    case HostText: {
      // ... 省略部分代码
    case HostRoot: {
      recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork, lanes)

      if (flags & Update) {
        if (supportsMutation && supportsHydration) {
          if (current !== null) {
            const prevRootState: RootState = current.memoizedState
            if (prevRootState.isDehydrated) {
              try {
              } catch (error) {
        if (supportsPersistence) {
          const containerInfo = root.containerInfo
          const pendingChildren = root.pendingChildren
          try {
            replaceContainerChildren(containerInfo, pendingChildren)
          } catch (error) {
            captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error)
    // ... 省略部分 case 代码
    default: {
      recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork, lanes)



layout 阶段,在 DOM 渲染完成(mutation 阶段完成)后执行的,触发的生命周期钩子和 Hook 可以直接访问到已经改变后的 DOM,即可以参与 DOM layout 的阶段。

主要调用函数调用链路:commitRoot 函数 --> commitRootImpl 函数 --> commitLayoutEffects 函数 --> commitLayoutEffects_begin 函数 --> commitLayoutMountEffects_complete 函数 --> commitLayoutEffectOnFiber 函数

commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(finishedRoot, current, finishedWork, committedLanes) 方法中:

  • 根据 fiber.tag 对不同类型的节点分别处理。

    • 对于 ClassComponent,通过 current === null 区分是 mountupdate,调用 componentDidMountcomponentDidUpdate
    • 对于 FunctionComponent 及相关类型(指特殊处理后的 FunctionComponent,比如 ForwardRefReact.memo 包裹的 FunctionComponent),调用 useLayoutEffect Hook 回调函数,调度 useEffect 的销毁与回调函数
    • ......
  • 通过调用 commitAttachRef 函数获取 DOM 实例,更新 ref 。

    commitAttachRef 函数
    function commitAttachRef(finishedWork: Fiber) {
      const ref = finishedWork.ref
      if (ref !== null) {
        const instance = finishedWork.stateNode
        let instanceToUse
        switch (finishedWork.tag) {
          case HostComponent:
            instanceToUse = getPublicInstance(instance)
            instanceToUse = instance
        // Moved outside to ensure DCE works with this flag
        if (enableScopeAPI && finishedWork.tag === ScopeComponent) {
          instanceToUse = instance
        if (typeof ref === 'function') {
          let retVal
          if (
            enableProfilerTimer &&
            enableProfilerCommitHooks &&
            finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode
          ) {
            try {
              retVal = ref(instanceToUse)
            } finally {
          } else {
            retVal = ref(instanceToUse)
        } else {
          ref.current = instanceToUse
commitLayoutEffectOnFiber 函数
function commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(
  finishedRoot: FiberRoot,
  current: Fiber | null,
  finishedWork: Fiber,
  committedLanes: Lanes
): void {
  if ((finishedWork.flags & LayoutMask) !== NoFlags) {
    switch (finishedWork.tag) {
      case FunctionComponent:
      case ForwardRef:
      case SimpleMemoComponent: {
        if (
          !enableSuspenseLayoutEffectSemantics ||
        ) {
          // At this point layout effects have already been destroyed (during mutation phase).
          // This is done to prevent sibling component effects from interfering with each other,
          // e.g. a destroy function in one component should never override a ref set
          // by a create function in another component during the same commit.
          if (
            enableProfilerTimer &&
            enableProfilerCommitHooks &&
            finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode
          ) {
            try {
                HookLayout | HookHasEffect,
            } finally {
          } else {
            commitHookEffectListMount(HookLayout | HookHasEffect, finishedWork)
      case ClassComponent: {
        const instance = finishedWork.stateNode
        if (finishedWork.flags & Update) {
          if (!offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {
            if (current === null) {
              // We could update instance props and state here,
              // but instead we rely on them being set during last render.
              // TODO: revisit this when we implement resuming.
              if (
                enableProfilerTimer &&
                enableProfilerCommitHooks &&
                finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode
              ) {
                try {
                } finally {
              } else {
            } else {
              const prevProps =
                finishedWork.elementType === finishedWork.type
                  ? current.memoizedProps
                  : resolveDefaultProps(
              const prevState = current.memoizedState
              // We could update instance props and state here,
              // but instead we rely on them being set during last render.
              // TODO: revisit this when we implement resuming.
              if (
                enableProfilerTimer &&
                enableProfilerCommitHooks &&
                finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode
              ) {
                try {
                } finally {
              } else {

        // TODO: I think this is now always non-null by the time it reaches the
        // commit phase. Consider removing the type check.
        const updateQueue: UpdateQueue<*> | null =
          (finishedWork.updateQueue: any)
        if (updateQueue !== null) {
          // We could update instance props and state here,
          // but instead we rely on them being set during last render.
          // TODO: revisit this when we implement resuming.
          commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, updateQueue, instance)
      case HostRoot: {
        // TODO: I think this is now always non-null by the time it reaches the
        // commit phase. Consider removing the type check.
        const updateQueue: UpdateQueue<*> | null =
          (finishedWork.updateQueue: any)
        if (updateQueue !== null) {
          let instance = null
          if (finishedWork.child !== null) {
            switch (finishedWork.child.tag) {
              case HostComponent:
                instance = getPublicInstance(finishedWork.child.stateNode)
              case ClassComponent:
                instance = finishedWork.child.stateNode
          commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, updateQueue, instance)

      // ... 省略部分 case 代码

      case HostComponent: {
        const instance: Instance = finishedWork.stateNode

        // Renderers may schedule work to be done after host components are mounted
        // (eg DOM renderer may schedule auto-focus for inputs and form controls).
        // These effects should only be committed when components are first mounted,
        // aka when there is no current/alternate.
        if (current === null && finishedWork.flags & Update) {
          const type = finishedWork.type
          const props = finishedWork.memoizedProps
          commitMount(instance, type, props, finishedWork)


      // ... 省略部分 case 代码

        throw new Error(
          'This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is ' +
            'likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'

  if (!enableSuspenseLayoutEffectSemantics || !offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {
    if (enableScopeAPI) {
      // TODO: This is a temporary solution that allowed us to transition away
      // from React Flare on www.
      if (finishedWork.flags & Ref && finishedWork.tag !== ScopeComponent) {
    } else {
      if (finishedWork.flags & Ref) {

mutation 阶段结束后,layout 阶段开始前,会执行 root.current = finishedWork 切换 fiberRoot 指向的 current Fiber 树(workInProgress Fiber 树在 commit 阶段完成渲染后会变为 current Fiber 树)。原因如下:

  • componentWillUnmount 会在 mutation 阶段执行。此时 current Fiber 树还指向前一次更新的 Fiber 树,在生命周期钩子内获取的 DOM 还是更新前的。
  • componentDidMountcomponentDidUpdate 会在 layout 阶段执行。此时 current Fiber 树已经指向更新后的 Fiber 树,在生命周期钩子内获取的 DOM 就是更新后的。
贡献者: lingronghai